Monday, October 3, 2011

Nazis and Tea-Party Republicans - What's the Difference?

Some people have said that human civilization has tipped over the precipice. (Right-wing trolls gibber idiotically about nothing in particular.)

Watching the spectacle of the Repugnicans, ... sorry, the Republican Party of the USA pandering to the death-happy, blood-lusting, Christo-fascist sludge of the Koch Brothers' "Tea-Party," I'm forced to think of the thick-necked, red-faced, thuggish, racist, incoherent yammering stooges of the German Nazi Party seig-heiling their way into Germany's cataclysm of hatred and destruction.

(Oh, I know, I know, "Godwin's Law" and all that. But if I'm going to be called a Stalinist-Nazi all the time, I figure I should just come out and say it.)

Anyway, ... that aside, I will concede one important difference between the present Tea-Party Republican Party and the Nazis. This being that the Nazis were able to lift Germany out of the Great Depression (at least temporarily), whereas the Tea-Party Repugs are merrily dragging their country (and everyone else) into another Great Depression.

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