Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Liberal Win in Winnipeg North a Sad Day for Canada

I'm working on a bigger post about CSIS director Judd's shit-headed comments about Canada's "Alice in Wonderland" mentality about terrorism.

But for now, I'd just like to say that unless you were a fan of the explosion of homelessness, and the decline of our public health care system under Chretien and Martin, or the invasion of Afghanistan under Chretien, or the invasion of Iraq under bush II (which we would have joined if Ignatieff, Rae, Manley, or Martin, had had their way), or the civil-rights shredding and pro-Wall Street, pro-insurance industry corruption of the Obama administration, ... or the destruction of Haitian democracy that Paul Martin helped with now that I think of it, ... you'd have to find the election of another mewling, corporate stooge Liberal to what had been an NDP seat to be a bad day for Canada.

Liberals (and more so Liberal bloggers) are nice people. Just like US-American Democrats often are (Crooks and Liars, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert), but it's long past time to imagine that voting for either the Liberals or the Democrats represents anything other than having been successfully conned by the empty professions of having a social conscious.

And it goes without saying that the zombies who voted for Vaughan winner Julian Fantino are just as depressing an indictment of our political intelligence. The harpercons are miserable failures to anyone with half-a-brain. Fantino is a "law-and-order" candidate who the miserable, yammering Christie Belchforth condemned for his inability to provide law-and-order. But they vote for him anyway because they're "conservative" and he's the "Conservative" candidate.

I think Fantino's basically a simple-minded authoritarian. What lingers with me is the way that he loudly swore up and down that racism wasn't a problem on the Toronto Police Service, even in the face of studies that said it was. Then, when he turned to black Toronto cops and asked their opinion and they said racism was rife in it, he was genuinely dumbfounded. He finally realized he was wrong and recognized there was a problem. And then he did absolutely nothing about it.

And, so, I toss this hand-grenade into the Progressive Bloggers' link feed ...


double nickel said...


thwap said...


900ft Jesus said...

I used to mostly lean Liberal. But what the hell is the Liberal party now? Sure doesn't reflect what it likes to claim it does. I can't support them right now. These past two years, their performance has been especially pathetic.

So I may be in political limbo right now, but I sure can't argue with you on this post. Needs to be said.

thwap said...


Truth be told, the NDP often disappoints me. But the glory days of post-1945 Liberalism are long dead and gone.

They are not progressive. They are not moral. They are corporate servants through-and-through, and enthusiastic imperialists.