Saturday, September 5, 2009

Afghanistan: After 8 years a fraudulent election and more civilian airstrike deaths

Gad! Enough already! Eight years of failure. Eight years of a growing insurgency. Eight years of bullshit economic rebuilding. Eight years of corruption. Eight years of hypocrisy. Eight years of civilian deaths from NATO airstrikes.

People aren't complaining about "glitches" or isolated "irregularities" in the last Afghanistan elections. They're complaining about massive fraud. And General Stanley McCrystal says that there'll be a re-focus of Western energies on Afghanistan's re-building but the recent killing of up to ninety people by a NATO airstrike, and the massive fraud of reconstruction up to know gives the lie to those assertions.

Are we still supposed to be having a debate on this abomination? (I know warmonger Terry Glavin isn't having one. The shameless hypocrite can fulminate at length about Taliban cruelty but lacks the moral courage to deal with the child-raping Afghan police that our tax-dollars are training, arming and paying the wages for.)

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