Monday, June 8, 2009

Colin's Contemptible Cowardice

Saturday's post was about how the absence of any terrorist attacks in Canada (given CSIS and the RCMP's distractions with about twenty innocent Muslim men) is good circumstantial evidence that the terrorist threat (which supposedly justifies our campaign in Afghanistan and our constitution-shredding Anti-Terrorism Act) is practically non-existent. Alison over at Creekside says pretty much the same thing.

And Ya-Ya Canada comes to the same definitive conclusion by watching the institutional tom-foolery at the expense of Mohamed Harkat:
The information of which CSIS failed to inform the court was that the source who fingered Mohamed Harkat FAILED HIS LIE DETECTOR TEST.Ladies and gentlemen, this whole "terror" thing has been patently revealed as a farce designed to keep Canadians thinking we are in danger of attack by Muslims, and to thereby justify the slaughter of Muslims in Afghanistan.

I attended court on Tuesday morning, and I couldn't believe the lack of professionalism displayed by the people in charge of overseeing Harkat's bail conditions. Just as a for instance, the wrong code was given to Sophie Harkat for the sensor alarm that has to be disarmed and re-armed every time Sophie enters and leaves the room that contains her computer (to which her husband is not allowed access) - which means that the sensor was never functional! What a farce! What a waste of tax dollars!
Not to mention that the Canadian Border Security Agency takes the case so seriously that it appointed a brand new, obviously green supervisor who immediately went on vacation! And when she came back to work she arranged for a massive raid on the Harkat's home - ostensibly to prepare an updated risk assessment but without ever having read
the earlier risk assessment.

So, to repeat: There doesn't appear to be much of a threat from terrorism in Canada.

That would all come as a terrible shock to one "Colin" who I wrote about recently, having encountered his revolting personality over at Dr. Dawg's blog. (I say "would ... come as a terrible shock" because Colin has evident difficulties in processing reality and I doubt that any of these facts and arguments could penetrate his cocoon.) "Colin" is deathly afraid of "Islamo-fascist" terrorism and it moves him to the most vivid expressions of murderous rage:
If you think radical islamists hate us because of something we have done you are the biggest fool of all. They hate us because we are not like them. They hate all non-muslims, you included. They would of course refer to you as a useful idiot because you refuse to acknowledge the threat they pose.At this point all I care about is that our armies could with proper political clearance wipe those child-raping, misogynous fuckers off the face of the earth. The simple fucking fact if you want to engage your critical faculties is that no terrorist group can set up camp and use it as a base of operations to attack me. Full stop. Thats all I care about. The rest of the fuckers can sodomize their nephews and marry their nieces, I dont care.If we would drop the silly notion that we have to minimize casualties we could massacre a few villages, wipe the people you consider to be scum out and lets goats graze in peace again. We cant win if we dont kill lots of people. We should get at it because these guys breed like rabbits.

Again, remember that "Colin" is really in no danger at all from the people of Afghanistan. (Though they are at considerable risk from the ramifications of his delusions.) "Colin" has made another telling appearance at Dr. Dawg's since typing that vile outburst. The good doctor was talking about some buffoon sports announcer named Earl McRae who mocks people who want to bring Canadian soldiers home to safety from Afghanistan. McRae is a tuff guy you see. We know this because his grandfather, father, second father and uncles fought in the world wars, with some of them dying in them.
Don't you get it? McRae's a hard-assed, tough-as-nails god of war because men in previous generations of his family fought in wars! It's obvious! (Don't mess with me either people, my grandfather fought in World War I and OCCUPIED GERMANY, so ... well, you know.) What did Sgt. Earl McRock (sorry, "McRae") say about people who didn't want soldiers to die?
I thought of you, Jack Layton. I thought of you and all your other left-wing lollipops who want to bring our brave and committed soldiers home from Afghanistan because you can't stomach that some of them are getting killed -- I thought of you because with your self-righteous intellectual arrogance and colossal stupidity, you just don't get it, and never will.

That's right. They're "lollipops." Wouldn't last a minute in a foxhole with McRae who has probably read lots of illustrated books on war, looked at his uncle's and father's photos from the war, and watched TIME-LIFE documentaries by the dozens.

So, quite naturally, Dr. Dawg and others took to mocking the ridiculous McRae. But that prompted the following from our "Colin":
I guess no-one can support our soldiers or war efforts unless they were war hero's themselves.
A specious argument getting the lefties all hot and bothered.
Must be a slow weekend in the shocked and appalled department...

Which just goes one-million kilometers towards exposing "Colin" as the contemptible coward that he is. For one thing, many of our soldiers are labouring under the delusion that they're bringing "democracy" to Afghanistan. "Colin" doesn't care about that at all. For "Colin" all that matters is that CF people kill Afghans to prevent the establishment of a base for terrorists who most likely don't exist (at least not in the numbers that keeps Colin awake at night pissing the sheets). "Colin" thinks that he's a real he-man himself, when all that he's doing is hiding from his imaginary fears behind the Canadian Forces. What makes him so much more of a tuff guy than us lefties is his nonchalance about CF personell dying to save him from his nightmares.

So again, what's the point of all of this? "Colin" is obviously a complete loser. But observe people, there are actually people killing and dying to service the delusions of losers like our "Colin." There really is a country of roughly 30,000,000 people, being put through the wringer by NATO forces so that they will never again become a base of operations by former US allies who perpetrated an act of terrorism on the USA thanks to (at least) massive incompetence on the part of an unelected Repugnican administration. And some of the citizens voting for these policies and loudly supporting them are idiots like "Colin," forever wetting themselves in panic over this practically non-existent threat and gorging themselves on the witless racism of chickenhawks like Mark Steyn. We really have blown $20,000,000,000 blasting villages to pieces to "protect" them from the Taliban while they're extorted and raped by the government we've installed to replace the Taliban.

"Colin's" stupidity has had enormous practical significance and it's past time we shut these imbeciles (and the parties that pander to them) down.

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