Friday, October 24, 2008

McGuinty: "The Cheque's in the Mail"

Today in the Hamilton Spectator there's an article about Ted McMeekin telling Mayor Fred Eisenberger that the cut-off on yearly emergency grants which made up for the Harris downloading (75$ million over the past 5 years) was going to be compensated with a permanent uploading of some social services to the provincial government.

If true, that's ... okay, I suppose. But this all sounds very bizarre. It's certainly incompetent public relations to announce a massive cut in funding right before a recession when that funding is needed more than ever, and to then say that something else, undescribed is going to be "announced" in a few weeks to make everything better. Why not wait until the new uploading process has been decided and then announce the cutbacks and the new spending simultaneously?

Given the McGuinty government's constant droning about how they're abandoning their anti-poverty initiatives and there's no money in the jar and there's already going to be a $500 million deficit, what are people supposed to think when they announce a $12 million cut to social services for Hamilton?

I'll beleive it when I see it.

(Note, the Spec's website keeps crashing my browser. No links.)

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